Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


chief, Lo prescvere, and maintain their position Lill the campaign is. successfully closed. Such a step taken by you al Lhis moment, is all important- iL may Lurn Lhe scale, and save Lhe counLTy. It may hoop us together till the great objecL is realized- The liberation of Texas from the fangs of an armed soldiery. God & Liberty Yours Respectfully P. DimmiLl Comdg (Addressed:] Military lo Gen. Stephen F. Austin Com. in Chief of the Army of Lhe People Head Quarters


[R. G. Dunlap, Knoxville, Tenn., lo Sam Houston, October 17, 1835. introducing Samuel Bell and Mr. Tilus, and staling: "l see the signs of revoluLion, boldly marching, with a promise of a free Government for Texas - you are by the news of the clay ,vhere we in Tennessee would expect to find you, al the head of the Army...."]


Gregorio Gomez, colonel of the batallion of Tres Villas, and commandant of this town, to his brothers in arms and to the inhabitants. Friends,- it is now proved that the fears of all good Mexicans have been loo well founded. The hypocritical and false promises of the Texian colonists have not deceived the grateful traitors, these unnatural guests, in return for the liberty and favors shown them by our country, are attempting now lo plunge a murderous poignard in her bosom. The crisis in which the republic is now involved, has favored their plans They have openly declared the rebellion and atlempLed no less than dismembering that rich part of our territory, where they have been received with such liberal hospitality. By the last official accounts, we have learned that they have already begun lo act. The weak garrison statione1l al Bahia del Espiritu Santo, has been captured by the rebels, who have taken military possession of the place. Whal will be the consequence of such wanton procecdin1,..rs, if not the complete


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