Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


command is now stationed. Capt. E. is instructed lo proceed with his comp'y, in charge of the supplies, now in ch. of Capl. A., lo Head Quarters; and the latter is ordered lo occupy the posi I ion now held by Eberly, and to unite their exertions lo form, and keep up a regular line of communication between I-lead Quarters and this post. I am using all dilligence lo repair this fort, and prepare for defence. Much has already been one in this way, and in that of repairing arms-but much is yet undone. I am doing as fast, and as much as I can. There are now three Smiths employed in repairing arms, and we are getting 100 pike handles made for the points and bayonets found in the magazine. We are also actively employed in removing within the walls of the church, the flour,· sugar, coffee, spirits, wii1e,-·&c, &c, found outside the fort, and claimed by individuals. I have now only_§Q men left to hold this post, defend il in case of attack, protect the Town, and cover the surrounding country. These have now been on almost incessant fatigue for the last 10 days. It is rumoured that 300 men are daily expected lo land at Capano- Should this prove real instruct me how to act. It is also rumored that the people of St. Patricio.have joined the military at the Nueces. I shall do all in my power to guard the coast, and have given orders accordingly. I am, however, credibly informed, that, there is now, neither pilot, nor pilot Boat al Copano- and if there be a boat there, it is on our side the cuase.- 1 have sent out for mules and horses lo transport supplies to Head Quarters, and expect a supply loday. I have also ordered the citizens of this Town to return. 1\'lany of them left when, or immediately after, the place was taken. Capt. Collinsworth, who left previous lo my last, for Bay Priarie and Matagorda, for the purpose of recruiting, has not yet communicated with me- Of course, I am unable to inform what has been, or what probably will be his success·- He, however, was sanguine when he left, and the hope is cherished that he will succeed well. It is hoped by our friends here, and is greatly desired by me, that you will give a positive order lo hold this post; appealing as you, and as no one else can, Lo the patriotism of the volunteers. They can, and may be influenced hy an address from their Com. in





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