business. Relying on these favorable sentiments, the undersigned flatters himself that the President of the United Stales will take such measures that the said courts should abstain from entering into the examination of this case, which is not within their powers. The undersigned finally hopes that executive orders will be given for liberating from confinement Captain Thompson, Lieutenant Ocam- po, and all the other individuals of the crew of the Correo de Mexico, with the understanding that they are to await the definite resolution of the President, which will doubtless be communicated to the undersigned as early as possible. ln this hope the undersigned takes the present occasion to renew to Mr. Dickins the assurances of his high consideration. J. M. De Castillo Y Lanzas To A. Dickins, Esq., Acting Secretary of State
[888] [COS to NAVARRO]
[Martin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, to Angel Navarro, Bexar, October 17, 1835, threatening lo imprison at hard labor those found withoul the required passports.]
[889) [COS to NAVARRO]
[Martin Perfecto de "cos, Bexar, to Angel Navarro, Bexar, October 17, 1835, acknowledging receipt of the patriotic address of Navarro to the people and expressing hope that the citize11s will support the government against the colonists.]
[890] [DIMITT to AUSTIN]
Fort of Goliad, Oct. 17th. 1835. 11 in the morning-
To Gen. S. F. Austin,
Com. in ch. of the Army of the People, Dr. Sir,
I have this day dispatched Capt. Alley with his comp'y to convey ammunition and provisions lo Clelo, where Capt. Ebcrly's
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