Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

session wilh Henry Smilh Esqr John D. Newell Wm. P. Harris, Saml Whiting and Mr. Menifee members Elect to Lhc Consullation have Lhoughl Lhe circumslances would Justify an Immediate arrest and the safe keeping of said Williams till he should be tried and Disposed of by a proper lribunal. Ilut considering the Delicate silualion of this Council being Representatives from a minority of the municipalities only Have recommended that the commander in chief associaled with his staff and confidential officers Invite those members acrpiain Led with the circumstances and Ishue their request or Order lo this Body for their complyance. I cannot see but such a proceeding is consislant in times like these when we are surrounded by Warr and our Citizens are afraid to leave Lheir Homes lest their families be deslroyed by the means and facilities afforded by Lhose without our own Bosom it is limes of Warr and military rules musl Prevail in some Extenl till olherwisc Provided. If you advise anything to be done in this maller iL is necessary to be done ,viLh secrecy and Dispatch-If you come Lo any conclusion of active measures in this matter please dispatch it by Express and it is well to have the names associaled wilh you signed to the Order and for the Execution of the Order I parlicularly recommend Majr Whiting.

R. R. Royall presdt

[Addressed:] Private Col. S. F. Austin Head Quarters Texas Volunteers favr by Majr Whiting


New Orleans Oct 17 1835

To the President of the Consultation of all Tex- Sir

Being recently from the coast of Texas, and Knowing the designs of the Mexican Government, through Capt T. M. Thompson, and others in the service of Mexico, I deem it very imporlant thal there should be an armed & well manned Vcssd lo cruise off the coast of Texas for its protection, also to permit the lnnding of Troops, and for Lhat end, I hnvc made arrangements in


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