aboul one hundred of lhe enemy's cavalry about ten miles beyond this. There is no doubt the enemy are informed of the movement of the army.
Signed SF Austin
To the Commillee of Safely, S. Felipe
Head Quarters 16th Octr. 1835 Camp Sandy
Noah Scott is appointed Depy Assist. Quar. master
S. F. Austin Commr in chief
By Order Warren D. C. Hall Adjt. and lnsptr. Genl
Nacogdoches, Texas, Oct. 16. 1835. Mr. Editor-I inclose you a proclamation, to be published, from Gen. Samuel Houston, which the committee of vigilance and safety desired to be published in your first paper, and then keep the inclosed copy to send to Gen. Samuel Swartwout, of New-York. You will find, by the inclosed documents, that a war in this country is inevitable; what the result will be, we can only conjecture; but one opinion prevails here-that is, a sanguine hope of success; and the people now are firmly united, and fully determined lo defend the constitution of '24, and the laws guarantied to settlers in the country. The Inclians, so far, profess every degree of friendship to the people of Texas. There are upwards of 200 mounted riflemen gone from this and Augustin, on Monday last, and about 100 more leave on Sunday, from the same place. An express came in with a circular from Gonzales, giving an account of an engagement in which the people were successful. The people of this place and Santiago confidently hope for friendship from their friends in the United States. All business here is stopped, the land-office closed, and one general will among the people-liberty or death. Yours, respectfully, Wm. K. English.
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