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Camp of the Volunteers Friday Night. .Ll o'clock; October 2, 1835.
Fellow Citizens: -
We have prevailed on our fellow citizen Wm. H. Wharton, Esq. to return and communicate to you the following express, and . also to urge as many as can by possibility leave their homes to repair lo Gonza as immediately, "armed and equipped for war even to the knife." On the receipt of this intelligence the Volunteers iny_nediately resolved to march to Gonzales to aid their countrymen. QVe are just now starting which must apologize for the brevity of this communication) We refer you to Mr. Wharton for an explanation of our wishes, o'pinions and intentions, and also for such political information as has come into our hands. If Texas will now act promptly; she will soon be redeemed from that worse than Egyptian bondage which now cramps her resources and retards her prosperity.
David Randon, Wm. J. Bryand, J. W. Fannin, Jr. F. T. Wells, Geo. Sutherland, B. T. Archer, W. D. C. Hall, W. H. Jack, Wm. T. Austin, P. D. McNeel.
P.S. An action took place on yesterday at Gonzales, in • which the Mexican Commander and several soldiers were slain- no loss on the American side.
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