Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

(875) (ROYALL to FISHER]

[R. R. Royall, San Felipe, to S. R. Fisher, President of the Committee of Matagorda, October 15, 1835, asking him lo send sugar, coffee, and salt to the army, and stating: "We have some funds - for these things draw on this council - we would like however lo be advised how far you may be able to comply with this request that our arrangements may be shaped accordingly."] [876 J [STEWART to AUSTIN]

Oct 15, 1835

Dear Sir

The bearer Erasmus Smith is well known to you-I have conversed with him and learn that the cavalry of San Antonio are disaffected to the cause with which they are serving. He thinks he can render Service to us in a certain way-Do consider if some thing cannot be done by assurance.s to the disaffected through this channel. C. B. Stewart Col S F Austin Comd-in Chf at camp N B He is well known to me perhaps you may not recall him immediately-having travelled with him and received service and assistance at his hands perfectly disinterested I believe that he can be trusted to any extent his abilities and infirmity may warrant CBS [877) (AUSTIN to COMMITTEE] Camp on the Civola Octr. 16 9 oClock pm This day the army occupied this position on the left hank of the Civolo where it will remain until the reinforcements from the red Lands and others join. I have dispatched this Express lo inform the troops who are on the road of this, and to hurry them on by forced marches. The spies have discovered the trail of a Detachment of

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