Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

perfectly unnecessary that he should visit your country in quest of fortune, and I think I may say, without detriment to the motives of others, that you are indebted for his aid, to those more generous and extended feelings, which are inherent in the bosoms of all true americans Any attention which the turmoils of war will permit you to show him, will be gratefully acknowleged by A. R. McNair P.S. For fear that you will be at a loss to define the reason why I am not actuated to the same purpose with my young friend, I must inform you that the Yellow fever has played havoc with my once athletic frame, and that I am now, only able to walk with the aid of a cane-I was confined 8 months to my bed the effects of mercury,-my hip is dislocated and all in all, I would not do for the field, and must content myself, with giving you the warmest wishes for your success. I hope and think, that the excitement here in your favor, will result in advantage to you in men and money-many have already volenteered, and a considerable number suhscribe,l I am told that there is one gentleman here, who has 1000 Rifles, intended to be given to volunteers and sent to Texas. Be pleased to remember me to Mrs Perry and your family.


Jas F. Perry Esq. St. Philip de Austin Texas


Those who have volunteered to join the Texonians, and those who may wish so to do, are requested to meet the committee at the Arcade this evening at six o'clock, for the purpose of taking measures for organizing themselves, preparatory lo an immediate departure; arms and ammunition will be furnished them, and their passage paid as far as Natchitoches. Note. - The committee, composed of Messrs. James H. Caldwell, Wm. Bryan, W. Bogart, James Nevin, Wm. S. Hodge, Thomas Banks, James Ramage and Wm. Christy, will receive donations of muskets, rifles and ammunition. - Those wishing lo aid the cause by subscription can do ·so by application to any member of the committee. [October 15, 1835]


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