the Stroke-might be followed hy Lhe mosl important consequence lo the present and future repose of Texas. My individual means and services are at the disposal of my adopted country, to free Texas of an armed Soldiery. The Detachment which goes with Padilla is commanded by Sen Placido Veneveclas. Docl. Baylor goes with them, and can give you much important information He is a gentleman, and a soldier was in action al the Storm of this post, and beirnved bravely Capt. Collinsworth has returned lo Bay Prairie for more 1 men. A few are expected her lo clay from Power's Colony below this. Padilla and Placido Venevedas are in favor of receiving the privates, Captured here, into our service-But I am afraid; Your order on this subject, however, as on all others, herein submitted, are solicited; and every exertion will he made, which depends on me,_ and on those under my immediate command, to execute them. Amongst those who took possession of this fort, there has been no dissenting, no dissatisfaction; they all have acted, and still act, in concert. It is greatly lo be regreted thal this-is not the case in every instance, Every effort should be made by all, but more especially by those of the staff, to keep dissention out of our camps.
P. Dimmitt Capt.
[871) [MC NAIR to PERRY]
New Orleans 15th Oct. 1835
]as. F. Perry, Esq. Dr Sir
I take pleasure in introducing lo you Lhe bearer, Mr Stiff who visits your CounlTy, as a volunteer in defence of your wrights- I feel every assurance in saying Lhat you will find encased in his delicate frame, a mind fulJy adequate to bear up through tTials which would crush others of superior phisical force, and a spirit worthy of being honorably employed in your contest against the usurpers of power, the perfidious advocates of central governmenl.-Mr Stiff's pecuniary circumstances renders it
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