Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

seguridad al~una de que al Aduna de l\latamoros me remita las cantidades presisas; y como el pago de las tropas se aume11tan los gastos indispensables de fortifn. y montaje de Artilla. qe. enco11tre en el suelo y abandonada, y ademas Otros que son comunes en la guerra, ruego a VE. tome toclo en consicleracion, y remedie estos males con la brevedad qe. demanclan las mismas circunstancias on que me hayo. Dios y Libertad Bejar Octube. 15. de 1835. Mtin. Perfto. de Cos. Exmo. Sr. Minislro de la Guerra y Marina. Mejico. [869] [COS to TORNEL]

[l\'lartin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, to Jose Maria Tomei, Mexico, October 15, 1835, about George Fisher.]

[870) [DIMITT to AUSTIN]

Goliad Oct. 15-1835 8. in the morning

To Genl. S F Austin Com. in Ch. of the army of the people, Sir

I dispatch this by J. A. Padilla, With a Small detachment of c~le_j_r_oops~_!hese may be made very usefull perhaps, if retained as expresses- and are placed al Your disposal. The broken battallion organized here on the arrival of Capt Smith and Alley, became disaffected Yesterday and dissolved. This event, together with the consent of Capt Alley, leaves me in command of this post. I am satisfactorily informed that there are at the Cantonement on the Nueces, 3 ps Small Brass Cann. a considerahle supply of arms and amunition, and a Valuable CabaUada, and only 30 or 40 men. I Suggest the propriety of reducing this post. It will give security to the frontier, Supply us with some important means of defence, Strike a panic and encourage the counter revolution in the interior and if a clash were made on J\'latamoras


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