General Orders.
Camp 3d Sanely Octr. 15, 1835 1st. In the Case of alarm on the march the advance and rear guard wilJ form in the rear of the Centre, and wiU take charge of all the horses, and tie them up or hobble them: and in case the Army is encamped in a square, the guard will herd the horses in the rear of the Encampment. 2d. Every man must have a rope tied around the neck of his horse, and in case of his not having one, he musl have a hobbling string tied on. 3d. Each Captain will detail, daily, one man for every ten, to take charge of the horses, of his Company, in case of alarm, when mounted and drive them to the center and deliver them to the guard; after performing which service, they will return to their respective Companies. 4th. Each Batallion ,vill be divided by the Field officers of the Regiment into two Division, as nearly equal as possible, and report the same to the Adjutant General stat1ng the strength of each Division SF. Austin Commander in chief Wm. D. C. Hall, Adjt. and Inspr. Genrl. [867) [COS to NAVARRO] [Marlin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, to Angel Navarro, Bexar, October J 5, J 835, giving instructions to be observed in regard to the entry and deparlure of persons at Bexar.] (868) [COS to TORNEL l
Exmo. Sr.
Al paso qe. se mulliplican mis atenciones se clisminuyen los rccursos con qe. cuento pa. la manlencion de las tropas que eleven opcrar contra los colonos sublcvados, pucs no teniro
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