Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Conciudoclanos: Estais cubiortos de sicatrises: herodais de bucstros abuclos la constumbre de la gucrra en dcfenze de vuestras propicclados en esla frontera de vitalicias incursiones de varveros y cnomigos. Acreditcd en esta vcz vuestro patriotismo. Nada de coaccion, nade q. parcsca forzar el intimo convencimto. Nacional de 1m ver<ladcro Mcjicano repetid con enluciasmo cste precioso nom bre y cl os dictara la senda q. <leveis soguir: csto os dice, aeonseje y pido de grado vuestro paisano y amigo. Bejar 14 de Octe. de 1835. A.N.

[860] [POE to CAMPBELL]

Columbia October 14 1835 The Provisional government of Texas to C. K. Campbell-Work on Cannon Carriage. S5.00

Geo. W. Poe late Capt. ArtiUery

(861] [ROYALL to AUSTIN]

Oct 14. 1834 [1835]

To Col Stephen F. Austin Chairman of the Council and Commander in Chief

We dispatched to you yesterday an account of the success of Capt Collinsworth's attack on La Bahia which it appears you are not yet in possesion of by advice from him Your Several communications lo the Consultation and to this body arrived last night, every exertion has been made to carry into effect your request. Waggons will shortly be on the road with the necessary supplies-Capt W Hall has accepted the appointment of contractor for the army and is now busied in advancing the object, of his app in procuring waggons Stores etc. Mess J. Wharton and Henry Smith arrived from below yesterday with the pleasing news of Capt Moores vessel having arrived from N.O-with 75. Sta'd arms, 7 pciccs artilery and a plenty of ammunition. the San Felipe to follow in 2 days with some heavy artillery and other arms and ammunition- a note from McKenny to Columbia Says-vessel now in sight which we suppose


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