Texas. 1. The enthusiasm displayed by our fellow citizens al Lhe meeling lasl evening in favor of the people of Texas, deserves the highest commendation. The meeling was intended to be only a preparalory one, consisLing of the immediate friends of the Texians; and so soon as the hour arrived, the Committee Room was thronged with an anxious audience. 2. WiUiam Christy, Esq. was called lo the Chair, and James Ramage, appointed Secretary; after which a Committee was nominated lo draft resolutions. During Lhe retirement of the Committee,· Messrs. Fisher and Gustavus Schmidt addressed the meeting. 3. Mr. Fisher slated that he had recently been exiled from Mexico. He had formerly been a citizen of the United States, but had resided for ten years in Mexico, where he had formed extensive connexions, mercantile and otherwise. He had lately edited a Journal in Matamoros; but in consequence of having made some free remarks on passing events, he was ordered to leave Mexico in six days. He stated that there are three parlies at present in Mexico-one composed of the Clergy and Military, who arc for a consolidated Government under a Triumvirate form, with Santa Anna, bravo, and Lucas Alaman, at its head-another composed of Liberals; who desire to retain the federal Republic, as fixed by the Constilulion of 1824, and a third, in favor of Monarchy and for placing a scion of the House of Bourbon on the throne of Mexico. He staled that the aristocratic party are resolved to subjugate Texas al all hazards, and to expel all Americans from that State; and that the Lil>eral parly are as firmly resolved to sustain Lhe Texians, if they sustain the Constitution of 1824-which is now the pivot of the contest belween the opposing parlics. lf Texas prove victorious then will republicanism and conslilutionalily triumph in Mexico; but if Texas is worsted, then a despolic rule will be substituted. He entered, also, into particulars, concerning the present invasion of Texas, and showed thal il has long been contemplated by Santa Anna-although he had bcf ore expected lo postpone it till the commencemenl of next year. He stated that
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