Philadelphia, October 14, 1835. The undersigned, Charles d'Affaires of the United Mexican Stales, has the honor lo acknowledge the receipt of a note from Mr. Dickins, dated the 12th inst. with the copy enclosecl, and the offical letter from the Political Chief of the Department of Nacogdoches; for the transmission of which documents he expresses the most sincere thanks to Mr. Dickins. The said Political Chief, in his teller communicates, that the tribe of Creeks from Alabama, is now emigrating and estahlishing itself in lands belonging to Mexico, without any license or authority to that effect; he therefore requests me to stale the fact to the Executive of the United States of America, in order that measures may be taken to restrain that tribe within its proper limits. As the representation made by the Political Chief of the Department of Nacogdoches, is founded on the thirty-third article of the existing lTeaty of friendship between the two Republics, the undersigned hopes that Mr. Dickins will submit the import of this note lo the President of the United States, and the Excellency will cause the requisite executive measures to be taken, if the fact should be as stated by the Political Chief, in order lo repress any incursions into the Mexican territory on the part of the Indians who inhabit that of the United States. The undersigned avails himself of this opportunity, to renew to Mr. Dickins the assurances of his distinguished consideration. J.M. De Castillo Y Lanzas. To the Hon. Asbury Dickins [856] [COS to GEFE] [Martin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, to Gefe, Bexar, October 14, 1835, transmitting a copy of his address to his troops "calculated to keep them from listening to the suggestions of the enemy.")
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