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because they Conceive it to be the Connecting link between Bexar and all the Coast. Supplies of provisions are Scarce but every exertion will he Made lo Secure a Sufficient q·uanlity in order lo enable us to Stand a Siege Annexed to the Statement of arms etc you will find a Statement of Men and arms at Bexar as taken from public documents, here and suppose by other testimony which is Conceived lo .be entitled to Credit, you will discover from that Statement that the Number is Much greater than was anticipated by any of us though the last 500 Named are admitted to be Extremly inefficient In my communication of yesterday you were in formed that Guadaloupe and this place had voluntarily declared in favour of the Constitution of 24 and against Centralism, The walls of the fortification here is in a perfect recked state and requires considerable repairs lo Make it in any way tenable but we Shall use all posseble exertion to put it in a cituation for defence and Should they Make an attack upon us we will defend it lo the last Moment but I presume they will attempt to Starve us out for with a large force they can cu tt off our Supplies of waler and provisions and you of course will he apprised of their Movements and will act accordingly Benj. F. Smith Col. Comd, Genl. S. F. Austin [Addressed:] Genl. S. F. Austin Where ever he may he By Express The following report and list of armament is returned by the undersigned in conformity with an order of the Col. Commanding Which is as follows
I. I I
6 Saddles-Serviceable, with trifling repairs 1 Barrell Musket cartridges servesahle for close
100-4lb Shot- 44 Lance Heads
these two articles will he very usefull in
From 100 to 200 Bayonelt case of a charge 200 Stands of Muskets and Carbins-Some of which Might he made Serviceable by small repairs but the greater part are broken and entirely useless.
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