Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[852] [SMITH lo AUSTIN]

r Goliad 13th Oct. 8 O'Clock P. M. 1835


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Two

Communications under dale of the 11th and 12th Inst.

The Men who Compose the Bal al this place, were extremely unwilling Lo [remain here) and it was with difficulty on yesterday they were prevailed upon to Stay until orders could be received from head quarters. The orders this day recvd were read and they have co11ce11led to stay with few Exceptions, to defend this place to the last extremely It will be imposseble for Me lo Comply with Your Orders Contained in yours of the 12th Inst. farther than that of defending the place because we have but a verry few more Men that you order to remain and no Munitions of war which could possibly be Spared and besides if I were to dispatch the Surplus twe11ty, I entertain great fears that Many others would leave and we Should immediately be left with a trifling force. That you May be fully informed of the true Stale of th< arsonal when this place was Captured, that you May see i\l) inability to furnish aid therefrom, I inclose you a correct Statement made by our quarter Master and Comissary, every Specis of arms which could be made usefull and Efficient have been put in requisition, for the purpose of arming our [?wn) Men and Some Mexicans of this place ... .commanded by Padilla and Placidore the Alcalde of Guadaloupe Victoria who have Volunteered in.our cause. The Me~ican Volunteers are not included in our Numbers to Ma~e the hundred and Twenty, because we know Not as yet how f~r they may be relied upon in as Much as Some of them are the prisoners who were captured here, who have been released al the request and hy the desire and on lhc pledge of Padilla-It Seems to be the General opinion among the intclegcnl Mexicans here that Coss will i\'lakc a desparalc Effort to regain this place. How far this is correct I am Not prepared lo Say. They believe this

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