Expecl them. Mr Wharton thinks one or lwo Wagons will leave Columbia tomorrow with Lhe arms etc for head Quarters R. R. Royall Presdt etc. (Addressed: 1 To the Comdt at Head Quarlers
San Felipe Oclober 13Lh, 1835
To the Commillee of Nacogdoches, & St. Augustin
Since Wriling you by express forwarding our circular nolhing of Importance has come to Our Knowledge we received a letter Dated the 8th from Capt Geo. Collinsworth then at Guadaloupe stating that he would that night enler Golfad with forty seven men under his command. The Result we have not learned. As no express has lately arrived from headquarters we Resonably suppose that Col. Austin is entertaining the enemy with profers of compromise Lill Our men shall aU arrive. Or the enemy has hastily Returned lo San Antonio and our forces have persued and not been able to Bring on an engagement. We are all uniled here and it requires more Pallriolism lo keep men at home than to get them in service. Such United Spirits cannot fail of success. But as we learn the enemy expects reinforcements we must Repeat Our Earnest solicilations lo our countrymen to turnout. Your committees with in aU necessary Occasions Give assurances of ample Compensation for all sums expended and all services Rendered in the cause of our common country. The Western mail will arrive today when we will Give you every Information in our Power. We still are scarce of Powder Lead & Guns. Respectfully, RR Royall President of the Council of Texas.
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