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Committee of Austin
San Felipe Oct 2,1835 This committee have recd and read with great satisfaction
your several communications under elate of 27 & 30 ult.
It is highly gratifying that.the people of Matagorda a~p~o_ve of the circulars of this committee of 19 & 21 ult. S11mhar manifestations of approbation and of union have been recd. from every quarter of the country. Public opinion at Nacadoches is hard and firm upon the same basis. The whole country is in motion for the fromticrs, and the utmost confidence & enthusiasm prevails in all -· there is now hut one spirit, one mind, one object --- to drive the military out of Texas and organize a government for this country. The head quarters are now at Gonzales. & all are directed to that point in order to attack Bexar. This committee recommend prudence is to the amunition & arms at that place. The publication which that commit1ee has ordered of its proceedings will inform the enemy that there is such a deposit there, and they may send in boats from some armed vessell to take or destroy it. There is as yet no legally acknowledged head and conse- quently there is some want of concert, but events and a common purpose will supply this object untill the convention meets and makes a Declaration, & organizes a head. The common purpose at this time is to take Bexar and drive the military out of Texas. Enclosed is the last dispatch from Gonzales-- it speaks for itself.
Respectfully yours obt st S. F. Austin Chairman
Committee of Matagorda
(724] (AUSTIN to------]
San Felipe Oct 2. 1835 The volunteers from Columbia &c. about one hundred in number have marched to James Kerrs on La Baca-where I expect there will be a force of 150 men embodied by tonight. This movement was made in consequence of the circular of this committee of 19th & 21st-I have despatched an express to Kerrs
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