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monarchy, and for placing a scion of the house of Bourbon on the throne of Mexico. He stated that the aristocratic party are resolved lo subjugate Texas at all hazards, and to expel all Americans from that state, and that the liberal party are so firmly resolved to sustain the Texians, if they sustain the constitution of 1824, which is not the pivot of the contest between the opposing parties. If Texas prove victorious, then will republicanism and constitutionality conquer in Mexico-but if Texas is worsted, then a despotic mle will be substit11ted. He entered also into particulars concerning the present invasion of Texas, and showed that it has long beeri contemplated by Santa Anna, although he had before expected to postpone it till the commencement of next year. He stated that are Cos went to San Antonio, he took large sums from the custom house of Metamoras; but that he will soon fall of ways and means in the interior of the country, and that the invaders . must prove a prey lo.the daring Texians. Mr. Schmidt also eloquently advocated the cause of the people in Texas, in supporting resolutions proposed by Mr. 0. de A. Santangeio. . The committee returned, and through Mr. Caldwell presented the following resolutions to the meeting. Resolved, That this meeting warmly and sincerely sympathise with our brethren in Texas, now engaged in a war forced upon them for their rights and liberties as freemen. Resolved, That we will aid and support them by every means in our power, consistent with the duties we owe to our own government, to save them from the tyrant's military rule. Resolved, Thal a committee of six be appointed to correspond with the provisional government of Texas, and also with such other committees as may be appointed throughout the United States in favor of the same sacred cause which our fathers in '76 defended, and which we their descendants are assembled to support. Resolved, That said committee be authorised to receive such donations as may be given for the relief of our brethen in Texas; and appropriate the same in such manner as they or a majority of them may deem expedient for the inte·rests of the noble cause in which they are engaged. Resolved, That J. H. Caldwell, W. Bryan, W. Bogart, J. P.
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