Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

said meeting that so far all goes on prosperously. The citizens or Texas arc united to a man. A battle has been fought at Gonzalas, in which the patriots were victorious. Forty of the enemy were killed without our losing a man. For particulars you arc referred to the annexed documents. One hundred mounted riflc~men ldt Nacog- doches yesterday morning, composed of volunteers from this place and Nacogdoches, and a reinforcement leaves on Saturday next for the frontier. God and Liberty. With much respect, yours truly, A. Hotchkiss, Chairman

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Com'tee of Vigilance and Safety, San Augustine. To Dr. J. Sibley, Pres't Natchitoches meeting.

[844) [JACK to AUSTIN]

Goliad, 13 Oct 1835.

D Sir

You will allow me to congratulate you, on the high command to which you have been called by the free and unbiased voice of your fellow-citizens. Rely upon it, Sir I conceive this appointment, to be fortunate for Texas. Because it will unquestion- . ably have the effect of uniting aU parties. You have been truly fortunate in your appointment of an adjutant Genl. for I conceive Col Hall, to be one of the first military men in Texas; and I think his incorporation into your family will greatly promote the cause. The orders rec'd here this morning were not agreeable to a large majority of the men; but they almost unanimously determined lo obey without a murmur. We are hut iUy supplied with stores of any kind, but immediate arrangements will be made to do the best we can. I flatter myself that the place will be dearly bought if the Mexicans ever regain it. You will pardon me for expressing my views and opinions to you freely, fully and frankly. IL seems the army has left Gonzales for Bexar. I underslaml your force docs not possibly exceed 400; I cannot conceive that it is seriously contemplated to attack Bexar with that number. The fact of Texas must not be risked upon one battle; unless lhc advantages are so decidedly in our favor, as to place the result beyond a Shadow of doubl. If the force of Cos he such as the statement furnished by Maj Smith Shews, they will he more than two to one against you;

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