cnlonces aca sc ha visto precisada la Ada. Marita. a pagar mas de 80 p. hasla la libra11za nt1111cro 686 quc concidero scra la ulta. en virlud de los cspucsto. Traslaclolo a U. para su conocimicnlo, ya efcclo de quc scan obscquiadas pr. csa oficina las peticiones de que scan ubsequiadas pr. esa oficina las pclicioncs del Sor. Comand. Pral. de csle Esl.tdo en razon a inleresarse en cllas el bicn general de la nacion, contra cuya integriclad intenlam hoy los enemigos espresa• dos en la prcinserla comuniacionon. = Dios y libertad Matamoros Oct. 13 de 1835.= Pedro Jose de la Garza Sor. Admor. de la Ada. marilima de esle Puerto D. Jose Gonzalez. (842) [ Dli\1ITT to AUSTIN]
Goliad 13th of Oct 1835
i\lr. S. F. Austin
al eight al night, I am truly glad to be informed that you are the commander and chief of the Army of the people I now take up my pen lo write you as a privet friend and old acquaintance, Sir I have hi,d the perport of Mr. Jacks letter. it dos corispond compleatly with my views, I am for my countrey and the people, but l assure you I will not support any ambitious men. the cause is lo Sacred noble and of lo much worth to the present people and futurely lo rest any thing except it is a poselive certinly of sucscss. You can set such value on my opinion as it may merit. 1 am at this point to defend my country and its cause, I am the old and true friend god bless you P. Dimitt (Addressed:) Genl. S. F. Austin en el Campo [843) (HOTCHKISS to SIBLEY J Committee Room, San Augustine, Oct.] 3, 1835. Gentlemen - It is with the liveliest emotions that the committee of safety of this municipality acknowledge the receipt of the preamble and resolutions of the mceti11g of the citizc11s of Natchitoches, adopted so patriotically on the 7th inst. This committee takes great pleasure in representing to the president of
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