deseos, y vale poco la ecsistencia de un hombre pero en mi concepto se deve esponer sin imprudencia, por q. una muerte oscura no inspira siquiera la compasion ... Yo quisiera q. mis subordina• dos estubieran medianamente atendidos, para q. no tuvieran ese desconsuelo. Sirvase V.E. imponer de todo al E.S. Presidente de la Republica, a quien como a V.E. reitero las protestas de mi respeto. Dios y Lihertad Bejar Octubre 13. de 1835. .Mtin. Perfto. de Cos. E.S. iVlinistro de la Guerra y Marina.
[840] [COS to TROOPS)
The general of Brigade, Marlin Perfecto de Cos, general-in-chief and inspector of the internal states, to the troops under his command. Soldiers: The veil which has long concealed the perfidious designs of the colonists is at length withdrawn. These ungrateful men have revolted against our government, and assumed the right to live as they like, without any subjection to the laws of the republic. They are presumptuous enough to believe that the nation which has adopted them as here sons, has no sufficient power to subdue them and compel them to share that obedience to which they have sworn. It would not be surprising if to mislead the igorant, by even engaging in a war, they were to try to conceal their real views, this fact however is indisputable, that their projects are entirely contrary to the national interests. If to this time they have succeeded in avoidir~g punishment for other crimes they have comitted, it has been by means of the false protestations daily made by them. Soldiers! We shall only delay the commencement of the campaign, for such time as is necessary to concentrate all our forces and will then prove to the colonists, that the Mexican soldiers have never feared clangers, and conquer with greater glory a boastful enemy. From the inhabitants of this city, and the people of the frontier we receie their own honor for a moment, or disgrace the Mexican name. Let us then consider them as worthy countrymen,
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