(830] [Dli\llTT to AUSTIN]
Goliad, 12th of Octr 1835
~Ir. S. F. Austin Sir
I wrote you this morning by Mr Zenteno, but owing to our disorganised state I have taken uppon my self to give you my opinion as one of the true friends to the tejano cause, I am one of the person that opposed our recognising the Counsel Boddy of war which is established at Gonzales, I want lo obey the constituted authoritys of the people, say the bodcly of safely al San Felipe, Sir the idy I have of the Country, I consieve that this point is aU important to sustain-for those reasons We are immediately on the coast whear supplys can be had from any part of texes. 2nd We are immediately on the borders of the Mexican population whear we can have communication and remit into the interior any documents we may wish lo cause a reaction of revolution 3rd the Mexican Govt resorses are immediatly on the Coast they cannot get supplys unless they are in possession of this point and of course la Bejer most fall 4th I think this is the point you yourself should occupy. you are welJ aware the nearer you are to the Mexicans so much more is it important of your presents al this point, this is the mear advice of a friend and a sincere one personaUy, and one to his Country and its Cause, P. Dimitt [Adressed:] Mr. S. F. Austin Gonzalles
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(831] [MERCER to AUSTIN]
Egypt 12 Oct 1835
Dear Sir,
I heard of your crossing Colorado, in company with a good number hope you are now at head quarter, assisting there. we rely with much confidence on the taking of Ugartechca Our numbers certainly are sufficiently Strong for 500 Mexicans. Please to recoUect we have not a man to loose, but must calculate on gaining our Victories with out loss. I understand that Coss wrote you to
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