complete the organization will lake place today. All are united and in harmony. ·
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respectfully Your obt. Svt. S. F. Austin
To the Committee of Safety- San Felipe.
[828) [AUSTIN to S~HTH ET AL]
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Head Quarters Gonzales Octr. 12, l loClock A. M. 1835 To Capln. Benjn. Smith, G. W. Collinsworth and Captn. John Alley. . Gent., The info_rmalion of the taking of Goliad by Captn. Collinsworth has this moment been received. You were informed by express last night that the army would cross the river, today, and take up the line of march for Bejar, and you were ordered lo form a junction as soon as practicable by the best and shortest route which your position would permit. · The army are crossing and will be all over, today, and march with all possible dispatch for Bejar. The Fort of Labahia must be retained. As at present advised it is considered that one hundred men will be amply sufficient, for that object. The balance of the Detachment, will march with all possible dispatch and join the Army. The point of~ Junction w:ill depend on the information you may have of the movements of the enemy. I can, therefore only say that the crossing of the Sivolo or of the Salado or some point between them, would be a convenient one. You w:ill distinctly understand that Labahia is to be retained and the public stores secured so far as practicable, especially, the army amunilions which are now needed by the army, and you will send as large a supply of them with the detachment which is to join, as can Le done without retarding its march too much. You understand that the position taken by the people of
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