Tinte Garca & 21 men Prisoners. Bejar will be surrounded in about 3 Days & of course will be Taken 1 suppose That all Their disposable Troops will be sent there but it is reported that the Jnterior States arc far from quiet, Now you must act for the bes sic according to circumstances if you cross with your money I would advise you to cross the Rio Grand at some of the Ranches above Camargo, & as you have a good guide You can keep out of the Soldiers Track but you must use you sic utmost vigilcnce the lower countr.y, is at present withour Soldiers. The Mission & Goliad has pronounced for the Constitution & Laws I hope in Gos that we may git Safe together You sic present seperated situation gives us much ancious thoughts I hope you may git safe out of Saltillo before the news gits their of our brake with the troops as they ill have a thousand unfounded and superstitious Reports Tell everyone That asks you any thing ahout the matter that all the people want here is the federal Constitution hoping that Gos mayvin his mercy may juard and protecus as May'ant joins me in love to you
I Remain your effectionat Brother John
Head Quarters, Gonzales, Octr 12, 1835 The army is crossing the river and will march against Bejar
with all possible dispatch.
Your are requested to inform the Volunteers who are starting of this, and to hurry their march as fast as possible. An express has informed me of the taking of Goliad. This event is of great importance and will contribute very much to the success of the army cause. By the enclosed you will be informed that I have been elected Commander in Chief. I have appointed Warren D. C Hall Adjutant General and David 8. McComb Assistant Adjutant Gent- Patrick C. Jack Quarter Master Genl. and Valentine Bennett Assistant-P. W. Grayson and Wm. T Austin, Aid de Camps. The election of the other Field Officers necessary to
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