Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

cruel murder of every man in the garrison- and the rapid advance of the enemy into the heart of Texas, with the avowed purpose of a general exterminiation of ourselves, our wives, our children and all who inhabit this country. And we have moreover been appraised of the horrid purpose of out treacherous and bloody enemy, to unite in his ranks, and as instruments of his unholy and savage work, the negroes, whether slaves or free, thus lighting the torch of war, in the bosoms of our domestic circles. Therefore, Resolved, That our families, under the foregoing circumstances, and the additionaJ fact of a large portion of the effective men of this municipality, being now on the frontier, demand out immediate attention, and that necessary & effective measures shouls be promptly adopted for securing in a proper manner all negroes, against the means of doing injury to out families and placing all in a state of every possible safety. Resolved, That a first object a call be made upon all our citizens, having a proper regard lo the objects of the first resolution, to turn out in defence of Texas, and forthwith to repair to the Head Quarters of the army, and that the names of all ,vho volunteer, be immediately taken. Resolved, That we recommend that those who remain behind, should be of such who are not able from age, ill health, or other casualties, to do active service in the field agianst the common enemy. Resolved. That every assistance which the country can speedily afford shall be given to all volunteers going to the field. Resolved, That a large fortification should be made al the mouth of the Brazos upon the East side, and that we advise all citizens to render their slaves for this work, under proper restrictions and regulations. Resolved, That a committee of three persons, with full and ample powers, be appointed to carry into effect the foregoing resolutions- having in view, first, the fitting out and sending the volunteers to the field.

(Signed) D. C. Barrett, Chairman of Committee.

L. C. Manson, S. Bowen, F. C. Gray, Gowin Harris. Committee

Whcn~upon, the following persons were appointed lo carry the above resolutions into effect: F. C. Gray, Gowin Harris und S. C. Douglass.


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