Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2342) [STEWART to LEWIS]

. [March 16, 1836]

Dear Sir:

An opportunity offering, I write you, not with many pleasant feelings. The Alamo has fallen, and every unfortunate creature murdered and burnt, some even before they were dead. A Mexican, whose daughters live at Beason's, and another, came into Houston's camp at Gonzales, and reported, on the 10th, that on the morning of the 6th of .March at daylight the cavalry surrounded the post, and the infantry by scaling ladders, entered at the four angles of the fort, and were supported until all but 7 of the Americans were killed; these called for Santa Anna and quarter, and were by his order immediately sacrificed. In the stories related by the two Mexicans, there is no material difference. Mr. McNeal (our Natchez friend) said that from La Bahia, whence he has just arrived, the country from La Bal1ia to Bexar is alive with Mexicans; that Fannin is probably surrendered, having attempted to march to the relief of Bexar, and was beat back. Our condition is very bad. To-day we finish the Constitution, hurry through the rest of the business, and prepare for desperate efforts. James Collingsworth, Col. Caron, of N.C. and D.S. Burnet, are in nomination for President, (provisional;) Rusk, Baily, Haddiman, Potter, and one of the first named will form the cabinet. Next Congress will regulate land business. Yours, most truly, C. B. Stewart Ira R. Lewis, Esq. Natchez [2343) [ACTING PRESIDENT to SANTA ANNA] E. S. El E. S. Pinto. en junta de Ministros se ha acupade detenidamente, en ecsaminar las graves dificiles, e importantes cuestiones q. V.E. toca con tanta maestria en su resp.etable nota de 16. del mes q. acabo. La resolucion de algunas pertenece al Gjecutivo con arreglo a las leyes dadas anteriormte. y la de otras al poder legislativo al q. se dirijen las correspondtes. inisiativas de q. se acornpanan a V.E. copias pa. su debido conocimto.


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