Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

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Camp at Burnhams on Colorado 16th. March 1835 [1836]

My dear Friend

1 We have retired to this place from Gonzales followed as we suppose by a large Mexican force, we have every reason to believe that Santa Anna at the head of a large army will make a descent upon the lower country and sweep the coast, and really I do not see any prospect of arresting his progress for some time to come, we muster about seven hundred strong at this place & Fannin say as many more, from the lowest computation the enemy have as now arrayed against Texas eight thousand men, I would most earnestly recommend to you to abandon your place and move with all the property you can towards Sabine if it comes to the worst, (which may God avert) no doubt an asylum will be offered in the U States to all those who may be driven from this country, make up your mind to loose one year, place your family in a place of safety and take to the field for we all have to fight and desperately too or our all will be lost let me again adjure you to be off for there is no time to be lost, show this to our immediate friends, do not cause any excitement. Your Friend A Somervell [in Perry's handwriting:] My dear sir I send you this, to Let you see our prospects which is pretty bad though I cannot think Santa Anna can take Texas with the force he now has I will be up in the morning ru:; early as I can get my horse

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Yours J F Perry

[Addressed:] Mr. James F. Perry Peach Point. Texas.-



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