Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

Our numbers are few, but our hearts are firm, and our nerves are strung to the high resolve of liberty or death. Will you, brothers and friends, refuse to do so to us, as in the hour of your calamity was nobly done for you? And will you calmly witness the destruction of your kindred and the triumph of tyranny, and make no effort to save the one and arrest the other? It cannot-it will not be!!! The sainted spirit of Washington would rebuke your apathy, and could pain invade the beautitudes of Heaven, would mourn over the recollection of '76. On the motion of Mr. Palmer, this appeal was adopted and ordered to be communicated to the People of the United States of America, as accompanying the communication of Gen. Houston, to Jas. Collingworth, Esq. Chairman Military Committee. Done at Washington, on the 16th clay of March, 1836. James Ellis, Pres't of Con. attest-H. S. Ramble, Secretary. (2338] [GAY ET AL to PUBLIC] [Thomas Gay, F. W. Johnson,andEdwardBailey,San Felipe, to the People of Texas, March 16, 1836, announcing the fall of the Alamo and that the Mexicans had "advanced as far as Gonzales on the evening of l\'larch 14th, with a detachment of about 2000 Cavalry."]

(2339] [SESMA to FILISOLA]

Escmo. Sr. general D. Vicente Filisola.-Ruinas de Gonzalez, Marzo 16 de 1836.-Querido amigo: Voy a cumplir con tu encargo de escribirte, y comienzo desde esta tragedia: La primera carta de sumision de las que otros politicos opinaban que recibiriamos, ha sido incendiar con semillas, con muebles, con cuanto ecsistia en las habitaciones del camino y esta villa, que segun se ve por los restos, era problacion de importancia. Este signo de obedencia que han dado estos hombres, prueba su desesperacion; y que esto mismo debo esperar en lo de adelante, aun cuando se les forcen los pasos, que ellos defenderan indudahlemente; tanto mas, cuanto que el Colorado por ninguna parte presenta vado; y que los de Austin van a tener el


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