(2333) [----- to EDITORS]
[ca. March 15, 1836]
Messrs. Editors,
On my way from Washington, I met two men who enquired the way to Groce's ferry, which naturally led lo ask their business in that direction al such a moment as this. They said they were from the army on express to the east: the people in their section not aware of the critical situation of our country wanted lo be stimulated to turn out. I had not travelled far before I met five others, enquiring for the before mentioned expresses, wishing to know how far they were ahead. I remarked it took a great many to bear expresses in that direction. I concluded that they were from the army, and was surprised that men would leave the field at this time to provide for the safety of property or families while our army was so far in advance. I give you this information that you may employ some means to remove the apprehensions of those so far distant from the seat of war, and when the services of men in the field are at this moment so much needed. [Unsigned] (2334) [ARCHER to HOUSTON] [Branch T. Archer, Eagle Island, to Sam Houston, March 16, 1836, introducing Robert Hines of Virginia.]
No 16-
Agency of texas New Orleans March 16th 1836
To His Excellency the Governor & Hon Council of texas Gentn
I have rec'd a letter from Cincinnati Ohio, & with il two
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