(2257) [ROBINSON to FANNlNl
Executive Department of Texas Washington March 6, 1836.
To Coll. J WFannin Jr. Dr. Sir
Yours of the 1st inst, is just recd. In answer permit us to say that unfortunately we are too much divided for the benefit of our country and promotion of the tme interest to render you that effech1al aid you so much need. Party spirit lays hold with her infernal fangs, upon everything that might be of any service to our country in her deadly struggle for her rights. The spirit of party rages to an unprecedented hight. & its beter rancor is truly alarming & heartrending to any true friend to the country. We however beleive that under the organic ·law we were and are yet clothed with the power that law gives, for some days however we have not acted officially, and in fact the very letters addressed to us by you are siezed by others and Read and comented upon before we are permitted to see them. Not withstanding this we feel that we are stilJ legally in office & will continue to act untill superceded by some future government. In accordance with our official duty & our oaths we have to say & instmct you to use your own discretion to remain where you are or to retreet as you may think best for the safety of the brave Volunteers Under your command, & the Regulars & Militia, and the interest of our beloved country requires unless you shall be instructed otherwise by Genl. Houston who has been by this new convention confirmed & appointed commander in chief of the Army of Texas Militia & volunteers; as well as regulars. The bearer can give you all other information nessesary as well as if it were here written. As we are informed that this new convention intends to form immediatly an other provitional Government, therefore. when you communicate again, it may be well for you to direct your communications to the Provitional Government of Texas This moment information has been given that about 30 men has thrown themselfs into Bears for its releif from Gonsales, that many more is on the way under Coll. Neill Genl. Barlison &
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