Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

brother John. He was murdered in the Texas fortress of San Antonio de Bexar (known as the Alamo) on the night of the 6th of this month, together with one hundred and eighty of our brave countrymen, gallantly defending that place against an invading army of Mexicans, eight thousand strong; not one escaped to tell the dreadful tale. The Alamo had been surrounded for many days by a besieging army of the Mexicans, variously estimated at from 3 to 8 thousand men, commanded by Genl. Lopez de Santa Anna in person; the fortress, as before stated, was besieged, and it fell and every man was put to the sword. They effected their purpose by a general charge aided by scaling ladders. Upward of five hundred of the enemy were killed and as many more mortally or dangerously wounded. Col. Travis, the commander of the fortress, sooner than fall into the hands of the enemy, stabbed himself to the heart and instantly died. Seven of our brave men, being all that were left alive, called for quarter and to see Santa Anna, but were instantly shot by the order of the fiendish tyrant. Col. Bowie was murdered, sick in bed. Amoung the number of your acquaintances, murdered in the Alamo, were Col. David Crocket, Micajah Autry, formerly of Haysborough, John Hays, son of Andrew Hays of Nashville, and my unfortunate brother, John C. Goodrich: but they died like men, and posterity will do them justice. Santa Anna is now in Texas with an invading army of eight or ten thousand men strong-determined to carry on a war of extermination. We will meet him and teach the unprincipled scoundrel that freemen can never be conquered by the hirling soldiery of a military despot. The stmggle is great and our difficulties many-but the army of the patriot is doubly served, when his fireside and his liberties are invaded- We rush to the combat, and our motto is Revenge, Liberty or Death. Approach our poor old mother cautiously with this awful news, for I fear her much worn out constitution will not survive the shock.-Publish this information if you think proper-We ask for help and in the name of everything that is sacred to Liberty and Independence. So soon as the Convention (of which I am a member) adjourns, I shall proceed forthwith to the army.- The blood of a Goodrich has already crimsoned the soil of Texas and another victim shall be added lo the list or I sec Texas free and


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