Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2324) (ZAVALA to HOUSTON]

Washington 14 de marzo 1836

Sr. D. Sam Hustoun

Muy Sr. mio. Me tomo la libertad de recomendar al patriotismo de V. al portador de esta, Harcourt que hahienclo hecho su servicio en Mexico bajo las banderas de la libertad tuvo la desgracia de caer prisionero en Zacatecas y ser espulsado de Mexico. Sus servicios fueron muy utiles, segun informes que tengo, y no dudo que lo seran igualmente a Tejas bajo las ordenes de V. Conoce el manejo de la artilleria yes ingeniero. Soy de V. afmo. Servt. Lorenzo de Zavala


Legation of the U.S. of America, Mexico, March 15, 1836. The undersigned, charge d'affaires of the United States of America, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of 1\-Ir. Monasterio's note, under date of the 14th instant, asking explanations relative to the movement of the sixth regiment of infantry of the United States, which, as your excellency is pleased to say, "is drawing near the Mexican frontier." The printed order, enclosed, issued by the commander-in-chief of the army of the United States, contains, in the first paragraph, the order of movement to which it is presumed Mr. Monasterio has reference, and is all the information in the possession of the undersigned upon that subject, and which is cheerfully and readily imparted to Mr. Monasterio, for the information of his Government; assuring him, at the same time, that were there any reason of more than ordinary character to influence the movement of the troops of the United States, to which he has referred, the diplomatic agents of the Government of the United Stales, in all probability, would not be the depositaries of the reasons for such movement.


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