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canister shot, and forward the same to the Head Quarters of the Army on the Colorado River near Burnam's. A captain or subaltern of engineers will also be ordered to that post. The stores and munitions of war will remain where they are now until forther orders-except those ordered above, and such as may be required by the troops ordered on the Colorado river. l\lajor Austin will order one hundred and fifty men with their equipments and ammuntion, one hundred rounds of cartridges, to the Head Quarters of the Army on the Colorado river - with the 12 inch mortar and a sufficient number of shells and equipment. Major Austin will purchase fifteen good horses for the use of the army which will be forwarded as hitherto ordered. Major Austin will obey this order with all possible dispatch and report to the Commander-in-Chief. Sam Houston, Commander-in-Chief of the Army. Geo. W. Hockley, Aid-de-Camp: I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original order.
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Wm. T. Austin.
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Palace of the National Government, Mexico, March 14, 1836 The undersigned, acting Secretary of State and of Relations, has been directed, by his excellency the President ad interim, to inform Mr. Anthony Butler that the attention of the Supreme Government having been called to the order of ther United States, Published in the Bee of New Orleans, which commands the march, towards our frontier, of the 6th regiment of infantry, under the orders of General Gains, his excellency hopes that Mr. Butler will be pleased to give all proper explanations, and assign the motives why this measure has been adopted under the circumstances, when the Mexican army is marching upon Texas. The undersigned, in fulfilling the preceding order, avails himself of the opportunity to repeat to the charge' d'affaires of the United States of America assurances of his very distinguished consideration. Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio. To Anthony Butler, Exq. Charge', &c.
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