Agency of Texas New Orleans March 14th 1836
To His Ex the Governor & Hon Council of Texas Gentn
We have this day rec'd from the Comt the enclosed letter on public business & a request to dispatch it immediately by land. We had the honour to advise you fully of the situation of this office covering duplicates of papers documents &c. (which we fear'd had not been received by you,} by the Equity that sailed on 12th with Capt J M Allen & recruits, which vessel will stop at the Brasos & send up dispatches from this office. The schr William & Francis, sailed for Copano with Major Miller & 75 men on the 2d - The Equity has an assortment of Provisions & equipments, among which are 800. assorted Cannon Balls. The Commissioners have not arrived before this date at Washington, we shall not therefore be able to hear from them for 17 to 20 Days. This office has a cash debt against it, at this moment of Five Thousand Dollars, beyond my individual advances. The Insurance on Tamilipas will probably be recovered in about Three months I have the honour to be .Yours Respectfully Wm Bryan agent (2319) [FANNIN to HORTON] Fuerte Defiance Marzo 14 de 1836. Al coronel A. C. Haton.-La de V de ayer la recibi bastante tarde: aviso a V. que tan pronto como se me reuna una partida de 200 hombres al mando <lei coronel. Ward, y que espero entre 9. by 10. de esta noche, marchare atropellando obstaculos para Victoria en cumplimiento de las ordenes del general Houston- Por lo tanto si no puede V. adelantarse hasla aqui, me alcanzara en el camino. Traiga V. todo el gana<lo, caballos, mulas y <lemas que pueda. Si no somos atacados aqui po<lemos serlo en el camino.- Jamas mancillaremos el honor <le las armas de Tejas que tan bien han resplandecido en manos <le los que voluntariamenle han caido
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