when their services may no longer be wanted as Soldiers & make themselves useful and worthy citizens- As regards the course Lo be pursued by the Convention, I will take the liberty with due dcfference to advise slrongly that Independence should be declared at once and a ConstiLuLion and laws adopted to correspond as near as possible with those of the U. States, but by all means let Lhe Constitution provide that no President or Governor shall be Eligible to a reelection, then you will have no electio~ering administrations I have a very great desire to visit your beautiful country, and will do so the moment I can afford to resign my present Office: indeed nothing but the very extensive business I am engaged in for Others, has prevented me from appearing among you before this time in martial array surrounded by a thousand brave spirits and true, for I think Lhat I could command them with great ease if I were to hoist the Texian flag- Y our early attention to the foregoing suggestion may be important meantime I beg of you & of the convenlion to command my services in all things as freely as I solemnly assure you they will be rendered I have the Honour to be with high regard and consideration
Your Mo Ob. Hum Sevt. Wm Christy 15th March 1836 Since the above was written the news of the movemenls of
St Anna against St Antonio has reached us. Lhis with other circumstances has induced me to come to the determination lo quicken my Operations in the way of getting up the contemplated Dragoon Corps. I have·also learned from Mr Bryan that supplies are much wanted & that he could not procure them for Lhe want of funds or credit-I shall lose no time in making up the Corps of Cavalry and the supplies which are immediately wanted: I feel so well convinced of the necessity of immediate aid that I shall go into the responsibility without inslruction, believing that you will not let me suffer; should it Lurn out otherwise, I shall be Effectually ruined as a matter of Course Mr WiUiams will convey this and will explain my views fully on several important subjects connecled with the affairs of your country; one of which is that of procuring further loans, which I recommended lo be done through
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