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heretofore established by the existing laws and ordinances on that subject. SEC. 16. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all officers, commissioned by the late provisional government, who are not in ach1al service, and who are not exempt by the provisions of this act, shall be liable and subject to draft. the same as others, provided they do not, within ten days after the publication of this act, repair to the field. SEC. 17. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all cases not herein provided for, shall be governed by the militia laws of the United States of America, so far as they are applicable to out circumstances and situation. SEC. 18. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That this ordinance remain in full force for and during the term of twelve months from the day of its passage and no longer, unless sooner repealed by a congress of the republic. Adopted in convention at Washington the 12th day of March 1836. Richard Ellis President of the Convention H. S. Kimble, Secretary. Mr. Gazley introduced the following resolutions: Resolved, That six hundred copies of the Militia law be printed in handbill form, and that twenty of said copies be immediately forwarded to the first judge of each municipality in Texas, who are hereby required to distTibute them among the people. And be it further Resolved, That the said law be inserted in the Telegraph and Texas Register, printed at San Felipe de Austin. And be it further Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to carry the foregoing resolutions into effect, which was adopted. Adopted in convention, the 12th dau of March, 1836, at Washington.
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Richard Ellis, Presidnet of the Convention.
H. S. Kimble, Secretary
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