Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


Convention llall, March 12, 1836 To Captain Joseph L. Bennett. -Sir,-You will proceed immediately to the head quarters of the commander-in-chief, and report yourself to him: upon which, and being mustered into service, he will forward to the proper authority the necessary certificate; and commissions for yourself and inferior company officers will be regularly issued. On your way to head quarters, you will be authorized to purchase, on the credit of the government, such provisions as may be necessary for the use of your company, enjoining on you strict economy. And when you cannot otherwise obtain provisions, you are authorized to press such as may be absolutely necessary: but in doing this, you will act with the greatest forbearance, and in such manner as to avoid, as far as possible, all individual distress: and should it be necessary for you to kill any stock, you will keep an account of the marks and brands, so that their proper owners may be compensated: and when you purchase provisions on the faith of the government, you will give the owners certificates therefor. J as Collinsworth, Chairman of committee on military affairs. [2307) [HOUSTON to DIMMIT]

Head Quarters Texas 12th March 1836

To Capt. P. Dimmitt Sir. You are ordered with your command to this place with all your disposable force, and should there be any companies or Troops at Victoria, whose services are not indispcnsible to the present emergencies of that section of the frontier; you will notify them that it is my order for them to repair to this point forthwith. Col. ]. W. Fannin is ordered to fall back on Victoria; after blowing up La Bahia. You will send expresses to llcad Quarters, as often as practicable. Sam Houston Comd i11 Chief of the Army. Unofficial Dear Sir. I am i11cl11ccd to hclicw from all the farts


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