Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

make known his pleasure lo your ho11orahlc body in writing. Your Secretary has 1101 taken i11lu possession any of the Books papers &c. for the reason that he has no place at which Lu deposit them in safety and thought it prudent lo consult the pleasure of the Convention in relation thereto. He would mention Lhal Lt Gov. Robison wishes lo deliver up his Books papers &c. by IO O clock as he will at Lhal time sel out for the Army. · All of which is respectfully Suhmilcd H. S. Kimhlc Secy. [2305) I MACOMB to IIOlJSTON I

New York March I] th J 836

Dr. General

I have the honor to report to you Lhal 1 have nol been ahle to purchase the arms and munitions of war, for which I was scnl lo the North, on account of the want of funds. Commissioners arc still on their way lo Washington through llw Western country. I have made preliminary engagements for all the articles that are already manufactumd, but the cannon, the clothing, the camp equipage &c. &c. which are to lw made, I could not conlracl for, until the arrival of the Commis.<;io11crs, ancl the ohlention of the Loan. The workmen would nol undertake without a positive certainty of being paid, on dcliVf~ry, inclecd, some of them required advances lo he made from time to time, as the work would progress. Things remain, therefore, in status quo, as in my last communication to you. I am surprised that the Commissioners did not set apart a portion of the funds ohlaincd in New Orleans for the purchase of the arms, & munitions of war, which the Provisional Govt. deemed as important and so rwcP.ssary as to send three officers to llw United States to effect that most clesirable ohjccl. It appears, they have sent on an !\gent from New Orleans lo purchase a St,!am /foal (God knows for whal purpose; certainly nol a military or naval one) and said Ag,!nt i.,; wdl snpplit?cl with funds for that purpose - while here, I have been endeavoring to raise voltrnlccrs for our service. / luum l)(im,. snccc!ssful, and a haUalion of ~WO men rank & file, will leave this city hy sea, for Texas, about lhc Isl of next monlh. I found, these ('.Ver great many fine young l'clows, who wished lo engage in our cause, and ascertained from Lhc111 Lhal lht\ nwn could 111: raised, if they could he furnished with arms and 1:quipm1:nl and

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