2439. Urren, Dinrio, 62. 2440. Not locnted. Cited in Yonkum, History of TexM, II, 137. 2441. Urren, Dinrio, 58. 244-2. Copy in Biographicnl and Historical Files. Tx. 2443. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2444. Urrea. Diario, 62-63. 2445. Broadside. TxU-A. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texu, #136. 24•16. Urrea, Dinrio, 63. 244i. Convention or 1836 Papers. Tx. 2448. Consular Papers. Tx. 2449. Copy in Biogrnphicnl nnd Historical Files. Tx. 2452. Not located. Mentioned in Yoakum, Hi.story of Texa.s. II, 114-15. 2453. Not located. Mentioned in Yoakum, Hi.story of Texa.s, II, 114. 2454. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2455. James F. Perry Papers. TxU-A. 2456. Not located. Cited in Yoakum, History of Texa.,, II, 115. 245 i. Filisola, Memorias IRafoell, II, 437-39. 2458. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. 2459. Not located. Mentioned in Yoakum, History of Texa.s, II, 115. 2450. Convention or 1836 Papers. Tx. 2,i5 I. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2464. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2465. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2466. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 246i. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2468. Court or Claims Papers. Tx. 2469. Executive Record Books. Tx. 24i0. Executive Record Books. Tx. 24i l. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 24i2. Copy in Navy Papers. Tx. 2473. United Stntes and Mexico ••• (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 18381. 24i4. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 24i5. Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 485-86. 24i6. E. M. Pease Pnpers. TxU-A. 24ii. Copy in T. J. Rusk Pnpers. TxU-A. . 24i8. Filizola, Correspondence or Santa Anna, 76-77. MA Thesl!, TxU-B. 2460. Henry Austin Papers. TxU-A. 246 l. Public Printing Papers. Tx. 2462. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2463. Consular Papers. Tx.
24i9. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2480. Telegraph nnd Texas Register, August 18, 1838. 2481. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2482. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2483. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2484. T. J. Green Papers. NcU. 2485. T. J. Green Papers. NcU. 2486. T. J. Rusk Pnpers. TxU-A. 248i. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 2488. Archivo Genernl de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 2489. Chabot, Texas Letters, 104-105. 2490. Barker, The Austin Papers, III, 320-23. 2491. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 319-20. 2492. Barker, The Au.stin Papers, III, 320. 2493. Consular Papers. Tx. Marked "No 18." 2494. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. 2495. The New Yorker, May 7, 1836.
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