2388. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 2389. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2390. Copy in T. J. Rusk Pnpers. Tx.
2391. Snnta Anna. Manifiesto que de Sus Operaciones en la Campana de Tejas, 5i-59. This differs from the version published in Diario de/ Gobierno (Mexico City). April 13, 1836, and in El Mercurio (Matamoros), April 3, 1836. In those the words "who capitulated" read, in translation, "who called themselves such." Urrea maintained that the latter were correct. and that Santa Anno had deliberately falsified the text in his Manifiesto.
2392. Telegraph and Texas Register, March 24, 1836. 2393. Telegraph and Texas Register, March 24, 1836. 2394. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. 2395. T. J. Green Papers. NcU. 2396. Filisola. Memorias (Cumplido), I, 27-29.
239i. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 2398. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2399. United States and Mexico . .. (Wash., 25th Cong.• 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 18381.
2400. Yoakum. History of Texas, II. 480-82. 2401. Yoakum, History of Texas, II. 482-84. 2402. Yoakum. History of Texas, II. 484.
2403. Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. 2404. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. 2405. Not located. Cited in Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 134. 2406. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A.
240i. Urrea, Diario, 56-57. 2408. Urrea, Diario, 60-61. 2409. Urrea, Diario, 59. 2410. Noticias lnteresantes. Broadsheet, CtY. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #896.
2411. Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. 2412. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. 2413. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2414. Yoakum. History of Texas, II. 485. 2415. Executive Record Books. Tx. Addressed to Samuel P. Carson. 2416. Urrea, Diario, 59-60.
24li. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2418. Domestic Correspondence. Tx.
2419. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 2420. Confirmation Papers. Tx. 2421. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2422. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2423. Correo Atlantico (New Orleans), June 20, 1836. 2424. Filisola. Memorias (Cumplidol. I, 35-36. 2425. Filisola, Memorias (Cumplidol, I, 36-37. 2426. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 242i. Post Office Papers. Tx. 2428. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2429. Lamar Papers, I. 346. 2430. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2431. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 2432. Portsmouth, N.H., Journal, June 4, 1836.
2433. Public Printing Papers. Tx. 2434. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2435. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2436. Post Office Papers. Tx. 243i. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2438. Texans, II. 364-65.
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