2286. United States and Mexico ... (Wash., 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 35 l, 18381. 2287. Alex Di<>nst Papers. TxU-A. 2288. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2289. Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 104. 2290. William A. Philpott. Jr., Collection. Dallas. Texas. 2291. Cited in Catalogue 162. Edward Eberstadt & Sons. Booksellers, #329. 2292. Chabot. Texas Letters, 146-47. 111ere is also a similar copy in Texas Revolu- tion Scrapbook. TxU-A, stating that the original is in the hand of Juan N. Seguin. 2296. T. J. Green Papers. NcU. 2297. T. J. Green Papers. NcU. 2298. Andrew Jackson Papers. DLC. 2299. Army Papers. Tx. 2300. Not located. Mentioned in Gray, From Virginia to Texas, 131. 2301. Wortham, History of Texas, Ill. 234. 2302. Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock I, April 5, 1836. 2303. Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 471-72. See #2302 for a variant version. 2304. Convention of 1836 Papers. Tx. 2305. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2306. Gammel. Laws of Texas, I, 886. 2307. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2308. Ordinance to Organize the Militia of the Republic of Texas. Broadsheet, TxU-A. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #163. 2309. Yoakum, History of Texas, II, l 05. . 2310. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. Endorsed: "Not to be recorded." 2311. Filisola, Memorias (Cumplidol, I, 22-24. 2312. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. Written to John Fisher. 2313. Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 473-75. 2314. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2315. Nol located. Cited in Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 105. 2316. Army Papers. Tx. 2317. Not located. Cited in Gray, From Virginia to Texas, 13 l. 2318. Consular Papers. Tx. Marked "No 15.'' 2319. Urrea. Diario, 57. The addressee is A. C. Horton. 2320. Urrea, Diario, 57-58. 2321. Memorials and Petitions File. Tx. 2322. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2323. United States and Mexico ... (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 18381. 585. 2324. Copy in Anny Papers. Tx. 2325. United States and Mexico ... IWash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 18381. 585-86. 2326. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2327. Not located. Cited in Gray, From Virginia to Texas, 131. 2328. Lester, Sam Houston, 83-84. 2329. William A. Philpott, Jr., Collection, Dallas, Texas. 2330. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 2331. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2332. Noticias lnteresantes. Broadsheet, CtY. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #896. 2333. Telegraph and Texas Register, March 24, 1836. 2334. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2335. Consular Papers. Tx. 111e cannon mentioned are those now at the entrance to the state capitol in Austin. 2293. T. B. Huling Papers. TxU-A. 2294. J. W. Fannin Papers. TxU-A. 2295. Republic of Texas, General File. TxU-A.
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