2249. Navy Papers. Tx. 2250. Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 511.
2251. Not located. Mentioned in Gray, From Virginia to TexaJ, 125. 2252. Not located. Mentioned in Gray, From Virginia to Texu, 125. 2253. D. C. Barrett Papers. TxU-A. 2254. Comptrollers Military Service Records. Tx. 2255. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2256. Mobile Register, March 28, 1836. 2257. Army Papers. Tx. Bears is Bexar and Barlison is Edward Burleson. 2258. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 2259. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 2260. United States and Mexico . •. (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 18381. 2260A. Allen Receipt. Navy Papers. Tx. 2261. Convention of 1836 Papers. Tx. The place from which the letter was \\Titten is Fort Houston on the upper Trinity River in what is now Anderson County. 2262. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2263. Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock), April 19, 1836. 2264. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 2265. Consultation Papers. Tx. 2266. Telegraph and Texas Register, October 11, 1836. The editor states that this letter was sent from the Alamo with J\,lrs. Almaron Dickinson. 2267. Not located. Cited in Yoakum, History of Texa.s, II, 104. 2268. Broadsheet. CtY. Streeter, A Bibliography of Tex&, #904.
2269. Telegraph and Texas Register, March 12, 1836. 2270. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. Marked "No 13."
2271. Consultation Papers. Tx. 2272. Comptroller's Letters. Tx.
2273. Consultation Papers. Tx. Don Placido is Placido Benavides. 2274. Original in possession of John F. Rotzler, San Antonio, Texas 2275. Navy Papers. Tx. 2276. Asa Brigham Papers. TxU-A. 2277. John S. Brooks Papers. TxU-A. 2278. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. Marked "No 14.'' 22';"9. Copy in John C. Duval Papers. TxU-A. 2280. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2281. Not located. Cited in Yoakum, History of Texa.s, 11.104.
r I I
2282. Not located. Mentioned in #2289. 2283. Convention of 1836 Papers. Tx. 2284. Army Papers. Tx. 2285. John S. Brooks Papers. TxU-A.
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