you will receive them as an indication of that uood fcclinu which • . • • b t:, ammalcs our citizens m behalf of your oppressed and struggling countr)'. and lhe respect and confidence which they feel in your own skill, energy, and devoted palTiotism! With the hope that the same success that has hitherto awaited your efforts to free and aid and to adorn your parent country may follow you in the land of your adoption, and an abiding confidence that the god of justice will sustain you, we most respectfully remain, your friends and humble servants,
Robert T. Lytle, Isaac L. Ludlow, Joseph Graham, Lewellyn M. Gwynne.
Philadelphia, April 20th 1836
Genl. Stephen F. Austin Sir.
Agreeable to a resolution passd on the Evening of the 19th inst at a Meeting of the Texas Committee a commiltee of Five persons were appointed to address a Letter requesting your attendance al a general Town Meeting to be held in this City at as early a period as the arrangements can be made In pursuance of the above resolution we respcctfully request your attention lo it and shall feel happy to be informed what day may besl suit your convenience to be in this City, and if the Honor of your attendance at such Meeting may be expected also that of the Gentleman who accompany you from Texas. W. P. Smith
Britton Evans S. McGarzey H. D. Tarr Stewart Newell
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