within your view? You will not; we feel assured that the justice, liberality, and gallantry of the nation will be responded to favorable and promptly. Should example be deemed necessary, your memorialists would respectfully refer you to the recognition of Amercan Independence by three of the powers of Europe, when our country first broke her chains and took her stand among the nations of the Earth,-to the recognitions of [lorn] of South America when they threw off the weighty burthens of the crowns of Castile and Leon. Did the Holy Alliance, assembled in Congress at Vienna, wait for precedent? Did they pause for an example, when rivetting shackles on the toilworn serfs of Europe? Did they ever hesitate for an instant to crush any and every attempt to rescue the suffering many from the ruthless fangs of tyranny? Let impartial history accord the response. Will you then-can you-holding liberal and antagonist principles, hesitate for an instant, to receive the officials of the Texian Republic, or, in sending lo them an accredited agent of your own. Your memorialists, therefore, respectfully and most earnestly request of you, (the organ by which the will of this Republic is expressed,) to recognize as reasonable and just, the recent claims of the Republic of Texas, to Freedom and Independence. The meeting on motion then adjourned.
R. Higgins, Prest.
Edwin Bryant,
Thos. B. Holt,
Cincinnati, April 20, 1836.
To Major General Samuel Houston, Army of Texas:
Dear Sir.-The undersigned commillee, on behalf of a few friends that were hastily convened on yesterday, have the honor to present to you, through their friend Lieutenant Thos. Stansbury, a brace of pistols-the best they could, on so short a notice, procure in the city. Aware, sir, that in your estimation, as in our own, they possess intrinsically but lillle value, they indulg«~ the hope that
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