Resolved. Thal a memorial be addressed Lo the President
and to each House of Congress. To the honorable the Senate
and House of Representatives of the U. States. Your mcmorialists, citizens of the United States of
America, feel themselves deeply and solemnly impressed with the importance of lhe subject lo which they respectfully and earnestly solicit your attention. It is known lo the world, that, goaded by accumulated wrongs, and inspired by the hopes of exempting themselves from Lhe fetters which the usurper, Santa Anna, has too successfully cast upon the rights and liberties of her late sister Republics: that Texas, a constituent member of the Mexican confederacy, has determined to submit no longer to the tyranny and misrule of the Mexican Despot-and has issued to the world her bill of rights, by which she declares herself free and independent: showing conclusively, before taking a step so decided and irrevocable, that their political compact has been dissolved by the usurpations of the Mexican Chief, who had grasped, and yet retains all the powers of Lhe government in his own hands. Your memorialists perceive in the devotion of the Texains to the cause of Liberty, a genuine emanation of the same spirit which did ballle for the rights of man on the fields of Trenton and Princeton; and achieved blessings for themselves and their posterity before the battlement of Yorktown; has now unsheathed her sacred sword for the same cause, but for another people, on the Pampas plains of Texas. Until then, the world had never witnessed a conflict: so seemingly unequal as that between the gigantic power of England and her infant colonies. If your sires, possessing a country with a population of three millions, dared resist the usurpations of Britain-assert and maintain their independence, bequeathing thereby, in their example, a rich legacy to succeeding ages, surely the eighty thousand souls of Texas-actuated by the same motives-in resisting the ten millions of Mexico, are not only worthy of praise and imitation, but of the steady, active, and efficient assistance of the just and philanthropic portion of mankind. Let it not be objected, that such a step would be unprecedented. Will you pause and search for precedent, when struggling Liberty is knocking at your door for aid? Will you Lum over the leaves of past ages and scan the history of nations for an example, when suffering humanity is sinking
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