third the number of your effective men to this point, and remain in command until further orders. Every facility is to be afforded lo women and children who may be desirous of lemfog that place. Previous to abandoning Goliad, ·you will take the necessary measures to blow up that fortress; and do so before leaving its vicinity. The immediate advance of the enemy may be confidently expected, as well as a rise of water. Prompt movements arc therefore highly importan l. Sam Houston Commander-in-Chief of the Army. [2302] (HOUSTON to FANNIN]
Head Quarters, Gonzales, .March 11, 1836.
To James W. Fannin
Sir: upon my arrival here this afternoon, the following intelligence was received through a Mexican, supposed to be friendly, which, however, was contradicted, in some parts, by another who arrived with him. It is, therefore, only given to you as- a rumor, though I fear a melancholy portion of it will be found too true. He states that he left Fort San Antonio on Sunday, the 6th inst; that the Alamo (citidel) was attacked on that morning at the dawn of day, by about 2,500 men, and was carried a short time before sunrise with a loss of 520 men, Mexicans, killed and as many wounded. Col. Travis had only 150 effective men, out of his whole force of 187. After the fort was carried, seven men surrendered, and called for Gen Santa Anna and quarters. They were murdered by his order. Col. Bowie was sick in his bed, and was also murdered. · The enemy expect reinforcements of 1,500 men under Gen. Cordiles, and 1,500 reserve to follow them. He also informed us, that Ugartechca has arrived with two million of dollars, for the payment of the troops, &c. The bodies of the Americans were burnt after the massacre, in alternate layers of wood and bodies. Lieutenant Dickinson, who had a wife and child in the fort, after having fought with desperate courage, tied his child to his back, leaped from the top of a two story building, and both were killed by the fall. I have but little doubt that the Alamo has fallen.
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