[ 2251 f [GRAY to BLACKFORD)
[William Fairfax Gray, Washington, lo W. ;\l. Blackford, March 6, 1836, about the debate in the Convention Hall following the motion of Robert Poller that the Convention "adjourn and take the field.") [2252] [GRAY to GRAY J [WiJliam Fairfax Gray, Washington, lo his wife, March 6, 1836, about the activities of the Texas Convention.] [2253] [NIBBS and JOHNSON to BARRETT]
San Felipe, March 6, 1836
Col. D. C. Barrett Sir:
Mr. J. B. Johnson informs me that he sent my horse down in your care with special instructions lo deliver the horse to me. It is strange that we were in camping at Coby some three hours and that you did not inform me of it. I hope you will be able to explain your conduct lo my satisfaction, as I feel under existing circumstances that you have treated me in such a manner as to excite my indignation. You will deliver my horse lo Mr. Wills.
Yours respectfully, F. W. Nibbs
To Col. D. C. Barrett:
I was much surprised on the arrivaJ of Mr. Nibbs yesterday that you should have met him on his way up on foot and not mentioning to him that I had sent him his horse. It was through my reputation to Mrs. Nibbs that caused her to send him by you in lieu of sending a negro down with his horse. Yours, ]no. B. Johnson
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