concerned that all his mililary force will be employed to put it down or support our neutrality. [2299) [HARDESTY STATEMENT) A. J.
New Orleans March the 11-1836.
This is to testify that Lt W W Smith of the Texas army arrivd in this place on the first from moble with sixteen men and crossed the ferry for a place of Rendevous-and Drew upon Edward Hall & William Bryan agent of the Texas Governmen for the amount of ---------- and the Said agents Refuse-to pay or to give W W Smith Any assistance with his men, 1 also heard Lt Smith say to E Hall that he had expended all the mony he Could Raise and that he must furnish his men with something to eat untill they could be shiped if he Did Not they would Leave him, E Hall Reply that he Could Raise as many men as he Could ship that he had Furnish of one thousand in the last Ten days. that wish to go to Texas that he had no funds -It given under my hand in New Orleans this day & Date above Riten. R. B. Hardesty Recved of Lt W W Smith four Dollars lo buy --- ------ for all his -------- a ------ the ------ at N, O-
M arch 11- 1836. R. B. Hardesty
[Sam Houston to Convention, March 11, 1836, about the fall of the Alamo.] [2301) [HOUSTON to FANNINl
Headquarters, Gonzales, March 11, 1836.
To Colonel J. W. Fannin, Commandi11g at Goliad,
Sir: You will, as soon as practicable after the rcc<'ipt of this order, fall back upon Guadalupe Victoria, with your command, and such artillery as can be brought with expedition. The remainder will be sunk in the river. You will take the necessary measures for the defence of Victoria, and forward one
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