fly from Bejar after remaining so many days there undisturbed and enjoying himself? ... [2296) [GREEN to BURNLEY] E. N. Gray
Washington 11 March 1836
Dear Sir:
It is true - the Mexican Minister has come to sell Texas to the U. States and I have no doubt the sale will be made. Santa. Anna is willing to take even less than we are willing to give-The Settlers rights-each to 4428 acres-an all secure-so will be the larger grants when the terms are complied with-or where the parties are willing to comply if the Govt will let them. Some little doubt remains, whether the recent loans to Texas will be ratified, except by a return of the money with interest. I may write you again in a few days-communicate this to our friends. It is certain , Texas will be ceded and perhaps in a few days or weeks-
Yrs. truly T. Green
[Addressed:] Mr. Albert T. Burnley [2297]
Washington [D.C.] 11 March 1836
Dear Sir:
It is tme The mexican minister has come to sell Texas and the sale will be made I have no doubt. The Settlers rights-each to 4428 acres will be secure-& the larger Grants fairly obtained, when the terms have been or will be complied with. Some little doubts remains whether the recent loans to Texas will be ratified-except by a return of the money with interest. please affirm my friends of this-but no others- I may write you again in a few days. In the mean time, without delay, please employ a trusty messenger to deliver the enclosed letters-at Vicksburg Fort Jefferson and in Texas. I will refund you Lhe expenses, Y 011 mi{?;ht engage some gentleman of Character, who would purchase for you on the usual terms viz: the funds are advanced- he renders the services-& out of the profits-the moncy-inh'rcst-& expenses
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